Introducing our new product line: The “Akris” Group of Reagents
The “Akris” group of reagents for oil production are designed to increase the efficiency of development of deposits of high-viscosity oils and natural bitumen, as well as oil transportation.
Milliardi Energo Limited is the official partner and representative of Akribia Lab in the Republic of Ghana and supplies these chemical products.
The “Akris” group of reagents have been tested in oil fields in Russia, and research papers with the results of testing have been published jointly with large Russian companies: https://research-journal.org/earth/analiz-rezultatov-opytno-promyshlennyx-ispytanij-reagenta-rastvoritelya-na-strelovskom-mestorozhdenii-vysokovyazkoj-nefti/
- Akris Formation Treatment – This reagent is developed for application in oil production intensification technologies requiring acid compositions. It is pumped first before the acid composition and helps to remove the products of the reaction of the acid composition and oil during well flow stimulation. It can be used in complicated conditions in heavy oil and natural bitumen fields.
- Akris Extra Heavy – This reagent is designed for use as a viscosity reducer and solvent for asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits in heavy oil and natural bitumen fields, etc. It can be used in the pipeline transportation.
- Akris Cavity Pump – The reagent is designed to inhibit the deposition of asphalt, resin, and paraffin, reduce the viscosity of oil in wells equipped with progressive cavity pumps with a rubber collar. The reagent does not affect the operation of the pump and does not damage the rubber collar.
- Akris Steam – This reagent is designed for use in wells with steam cycling, steam injection and other thermal EOR and IOR on the formation.
- Akris Wax – This reagent is designed for the inhibition of paraffin (wax) type organic deposits, and for optimizing the transportation of oil with high paraffin content.
- Akris Low Perm – This reagent is designed for carrying out well operations on low-permeability reservoirs and on oil shale deposits. It features a chemical composition that allows deep infiltration into a low-permeability reservoir to remove organic deposits or pump out first oil before acid treatment of the reservoir.
- Akris Super – This reagent is designed for use in heavy oil and natural bitumen fields with a viscosity higher than 5000 mPa.s. It allows to reduce the viscosity of heavy oil in order to increase the efficiency of production and transportation and prevent the formation of resinous type organic deposits or for their removal.